主要为利用冷冻电镜及 X 射线晶体学等手段进行重要药物靶点膜受体 G 蛋白偶 联受体(G protein-coupled receptors, GPCRs)的结构药理学研究。研究方向一,主要针对 与呼吸系统疾病、代谢疾病、癌症等重大疾病药物靶点 GPCRs 的结构生物学研究及创新 药物(纳米抗体和小分子化合物)研发;研究方向二, 利用课题组 GPCR 靶点小分子高 通量筛选平台,从中药及天然化合物库中筛选针对呼吸系统疾病的新型有效活性成分, 并对其进行结构药理学和分子药理学研究。
1、2022-2024, 国家自然科学基金海外高层次青年人才项目,300 万,主持。
2、2022-2027, 广州医科大学科研启动项目,500 万,主持。
1、Qi, X. *, Liu, H.*, Thompson, B., McDonald, J., Zhang, C., & Li, X. Cryo-EM structure of oxysterol-bound human Smoothened coupled to a heterotrimeric Gi. Nature. (2019). (*Equal contribution) (IF:69.5)
2、Liu, H., H.R. Kim, R.N.V.K. Deepak, L. Wang, K.Y. Chung, H. Fan, Z. Wei, C. Zhang, Orthosteric and allosteric action of the C5a receptor antagonists. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.(2018). (IF:18.4)
3、Liu,H., Dapeng Sun, Alexander Myasnikov, Marjorie Damian, Jean-Louis Baneres, Ji Sun, Cheng Zhang. Structural basis of human ghrelin receptor signaling by ghrelin and the synthetic agonist ibutamoren. Nat Commun. (2021). (IF:17.7)
4、Liu,H.*, R.N.V.K. Deepak*, Anna Shiriaeva*, Cornelius Gati, Alexander Batyuk,Hao Hu,Uwe Weierstall, Wei Liu, Lei Wang, Vadim Cherezov, Hao Fan, Cheng Zhang,Molecular basis for lipid recognition by the prostaglandin D2 receptor CRTH2. PNAS.(2021). (*Equal contribution) (IF:12.7)
5、Zhuang, Y*., Liu, H.*, Edward Zhou, X., Verma, R., de Waal, P., Jang, W., Xu, T., Wang, L., Meng, X., Zhao, G., Kang, Y., Melcher, K., Fan, H., Lambert, N., Xu, H. E., Zhang, C. Structure of formylpeptide receptor 2-Gi complex reveals insights into ligand recognition and signaling. Nat Commun. (2020). (*Equal contribution) (IF:17.7)
6、A. Dumitru*, KRNV Deepak*, Liu, H.*, M. Koehler, C. Zhang, H. Fan, D. Alsteens. Submolecular probing of the complement C5a receptor–ligand binding reveals a cooperative two-site binding mechanism. Communications Biology. (2020). (*Equal contribution) (IF:5.9)
Email: hengliu@gzhmu.edu.cn